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Our Mission
Peace, clarity, connection, and resilience for every human relationship on earth through the eradication of fear.
Our Vision
Mentoring programmes around the world to support people from all walks of life in strengthening their most important relationships and becoming curators of healing within their communities
Nga Pepetuna Trust is an incubator for non-profit initiatives that bring healing and restoration to individuals, families, and communities in Aotearoa, New Zealand and nations where strategic partnerships are forming.
We provide a robust structure for new ideas with significant potential to grow from conception into full-scale community-impacting initiatives. Born out of the good news of the gospel, with a broad focus on individuals’ mental, emotional, and spiritual health, we embrace a holistic, faith-based approach to community transformation.
Every initiative of Nga Pepetuna Trust carries an intrinsic focus on long-term, sustainable positive change and spiritual formation. We seek to develop partnerships broadly in every way possible for the long-term benefit of those we serve. None of these partnerships is more important to us than that with local tangatawhenua / manawhenua (host people of the land) in whatever place we find ourselves serving.
Nga Pepetuna Trust’s most significant work continues to be with individuals and families navigating the potential breakdown of their most important relationships. For many, this is quite literally the darkest hour of their lives. We work alongside couples on the brink of divorce, parents and children facing permanent relational fallout, and organisations for-profit and for-purpose) on the verge of a breakdown.
As the trust is coming out of a pioneering phase and into a time of growth and sustainability, a new focus has emerged on training ‘Restoring Connection’ mentors in Aotearoa, NZ and responding to requests for developing Restoring Connections programmes in other nations.
This new focus on training will expand our ability to provide more people with tangible, practical support when they need it most.
Restoring Connections Programme Overview
Through the generosity of donors, Restoring Connections programmes are made available to anyone, anywhere, regardless of their financial situation.
We offer a year-long 1 to 1 personal mentoring programme tailored to the unique needs of each individual.
We offer team mentoring programmes for businesses and non-profit groups seeking to grow a healthy relational culture within which people can thrive and grow.
Available to all programme participants: Introduction to Restoring Connections, Personal Responsibility, Proactive Care, Powerful Communication, and Healthy Boundaries.
Available to all programme participants. We offer guided conversations [mediated resolution processes] for support in resolving acute points of relational breakdown between individuals.
“It’s been over 4 years since I went through the worst time of my life.
Today I came across some pics and remembered the day I was feeling so broken and so worried about my wife, my kids and our future. I will never forget how you walked with me in the cold night, listening to my brokenness.
What a wild and painful journey it has been since that time. So many tears, so much pain, so many hours of “heart surgery” and humbling moments of opening up to close friends. The list goes on. I am not sure if I’ve said enough about how much I appreciate you and the input you gave in helping me to navigate through the hardest time of my life.
Things are still not quite as beautiful as I would like them to be. Some great friendships fell apart along the way, but I feel that I’ve done my best to see them restored and reconciled.
I am in a great moment in my life with my family, living in a place that we love and helping others.
So thankful for your help, Restoring Connections!”
— Ricardo Monteiro, Outreach Programme Director
“The Restoring Connections course was quality time for my wife and I. We would put the kids to bed, sit on the couch and watch the course videos; it really brought us together. It was true and genuine content, deep and thought-provoking, not for the faint of heart. The homework was very soul-searching from the get-go.
The intentionality and structure of the teaching were very positive for us. It unified us as we did the homework together as well. The inner-healing time with Cora was really beneficial, powerful and sensitive and resulted in a better understanding of myself.”
— Scott Berry, Freelance Filmmaker
Project Development Timelines
Raise funds needed for course video production
Film & edit all-new course videos
Raise funds to move all course content to online Learning Management System for improved trainee experience
Establish partnership with NZ-based software development group
Determine all points of V1 functionality needed
Determine project scope and budget
Move all courses onto the app LMS and launch Phase 1
Launch a year-long personal mentoring programme
Take the first round of trainees through a year-long mentoring programme successfully
Develop curriculum for mentor training certification programme
Establish on-site team leader in France
Purchase building for RC Europe base
Establish a non-profit/for-purpose entity in France with a local board of trustees
Raise the funds to develop the online courses as an open offering for anyone interested in enrolling.
Promote this offer internationally
Raise funds needed for the design of Phase 2 of the Restoring Connections app
Design Phase 2 of the app to the point of usability for all programme participants
Public launch (email campaigns, social media, etc.)
Accept the second round of mentor trainees into the certification programme
Take the second round of mentor trainees through a year-long mentor certification programme successfully
Obtain tax deductibility status in France
Raise needed funds for building renovation & fitout
Complete building renovations and fit-out
Begin team operations on site
2025 - Budget Overview
As the scope of Restoring Connections has grown significantly throughout 2024, especially internationally, there is a much greater need for funding than we’ve experienced before. The chart below provides a breakdown of the costs we estimate we will need to cover in 2025. The “Operating Costs” are the basic costs of continuing to run our current operations, whereas the “Project Costs” are the costs associated with developing a more powerful team infrastructure and tools to help us serve, support, and train more people going forward into the future.
Of course, the desire to serve more people more powerfully entails stewarding more money. Throughout 2024, we rigorously refined our policies, procedures, and accountabilities regarding financial management in preparation for the increase in scope and financial stewardship that we anticipate in 2025.
Nga Pepetuna Office Rent N/A in 2025
Nga Pepetuna Trust Insurance $6,600
Nga Pepetuna Trust Administration $14,500
Nga Pepetuna Trust Professional Fees $3,700
Nga Pepetuna Trust Salaries Payments $82,500
Motor Vehicle, Travel & Fuel Expenses $1,500
Restoring Connections Course Delivery $3500
Mentors Training and Development $4,500
Restoring Connections Mentoring App Development $25,000
Training and Professional Development $2,400
Partner With Us
in Training a Global Movement of Relationship Healers
5 Year Vision
Train and certify 500 Restoring Connections mentors by 2029
Establish local Restoring Connections hubs in 3 nations
10 Year Vision
Train and Certify 2000 Restoring Connections mentors by 2034
Establish local Restoring Connections hubs in 10 nations
15 Year Vision
Train and Certify 10,000 Restoring Connections mentors by 2039
Establish local Restoring Connections hubs in 50 nations